I would like to learn more about your cousin is possible. We are trying to track the deaths that can be attributed to the blood policy as best we can.
long story, short story.
grew up on a farm, went to bethel, married a sister and left bethel.
found ttatt after my cousin died refusing a blood transfusion.
I would like to learn more about your cousin is possible. We are trying to track the deaths that can be attributed to the blood policy as best we can.
this is a pretty good example of the limitations of "bloodless medicine", and why the informed choice should always be "blood conservation" medicine, which retains the safety net of blood transfusion when medically required.
sadly, the watchtower fails to inform jws regarding these important limitations, and their potentially disastrous consequences.. http://www.dailyreportonline.com/id=1202750028414/jury-awards-100k-to-family-of-jehovahs-witness-who-died-after-refusing-blood-transfusion?mcode=0&curindex=0&curpage=3&slreturn=20160118223352.
This is a pretty good example of the limitations of "bloodless medicine", and why the informed choice should always be "blood conservation" medicine, which retains the safety net of blood transfusion when medically required. Sadly, the Watchtower fails to inform JWs regarding these important limitations, and their potentially disastrous consequences.
my iphone doesn't have the interlinear bible anymore, the one with the greek and translated english together.
did they remove it?
yes - awake!
1994 may 22 p.2 youths who put god first (3-15).
"in former times thousands of youths died for putting god first.
hello and thanks to everyone for participating on this forum it has really been of much value, for those of you that post here know that your words are not lost you never know who is reading your expressions, lives are being changed and nonsense challenged.
i’m not much of a writer so excuse my untrained writing style and grammar but i want to share my story to help anyone who is visiting here to see that we are real people, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters who have come here for answers, there is no agenda, just searching for truth.
i hope my story will help others as so many here have helped me..
i posted in another topic a few hours ago.
it is my first time on here or any website like this, ever.
i was dfed back in september for adultery.
Dynamics of your congregation and its "elders" are the key. Under the right circumstances six months is possible if it wasn't too scandalous. Other factors might be:
Does your ex continue to attend this hall? If so, expect it might take longer.
Are you generally liked or disliked by the congregation, and especially the elders on your judicial committee?
Some elders are suspicious about DF ones who immediately begin attending all of the meetings. Almost like they should be too ashamed to show their faces. Sometimes it seems to work better if you take a little break, and then start coming back. Particularly if your situation was well known and generated a lot of talk/scandal.
the recent buzz that has hit the online communities concerning the watchtower society and their evil offspring - the jw org - revolves around their apparent financial difficulties.
many factors have been discussed - the real estate flips (and flops), the changes in meetings and field service, the need for donations to cover expenses, the push for donations.
where does the money come from to operate the hospital information network?
The WTS has already published what amounts to counsel for JW medical professionals to violate HIPPA. Good discussion of this is Dr. Muramoto's articles in the Journal of Medical Ethics?
ORPHAN CROW: You are welcome to submit an article to AJWRB on your topic. We would be happy to have a look.
the recent buzz that has hit the online communities concerning the watchtower society and their evil offspring - the jw org - revolves around their apparent financial difficulties.
many factors have been discussed - the real estate flips (and flops), the changes in meetings and field service, the need for donations to cover expenses, the push for donations.
where does the money come from to operate the hospital information network?
<There are far more JWs that work in health care who are influencing JW patients than most people realize.>
That in and of itself is a concern that requires no speculation or further revelation. It would be a worthy topic for discussion in one of the medical ethics journals imo.
the recent buzz that has hit the online communities concerning the watchtower society and their evil offspring - the jw org - revolves around their apparent financial difficulties.
many factors have been discussed - the real estate flips (and flops), the changes in meetings and field service, the need for donations to cover expenses, the push for donations.
where does the money come from to operate the hospital information network?
i know the arc is old news i know i am preaching to the converted but i had to express how i feel because most of my jw friends and family dont want to hear .
so this is how i feel.
i have faithfully served as a jehovahs witness for over 25 years..
My belief is that the organization could really care less about how you feel. They are God's channel and you are a sheep. Follow and do what you are told. Remain silent - if something is wrong, eventually Jehovah will fix it. Open your mouth and cause divisions and they will show you the door. That has been my experience and observation. There is plenty of distressing stuff going on in the WTS. The child abuse issue is just a part of the problem.
For what its worth, I totally related to what you are feeling. When I finally realized that they were responsible for thousands of needless deaths over the blood issue it was simply demoralizing for me.